National Statistical Resources

National Statistical Resources

Resources for gathering national and regional statistics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Disability and Health Data System (DHDS)

Find data on a range of health indicators for your state, and compare the health of adults with disabilities and adults without disabilities. View data by Topic (Maps and Data Tables) or by State.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Disability and Health 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s portal for Disability and Health Topics provides information on: types of disabilities, accessibility, healthy living, emergency preparedness, data and statistics, articles, resources and free materials. is the home of the U.S. Government’s open data. Search over 122,000 datasets to find data, tools, and resources to research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more. 

Part of the Open Health Data Initiative (HDI), is the U.S. Government’s one stop place to get Health and Human Services publically held data. It allows you to search data by subject, agency, date updated, and access recent datasets, blog entries.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Storefront

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Storefront allows developers to programmatically import content from many HHS websites. Content is available through a RESTful interface. The API can deliver a topic-based news feed or directly access HHS content. 

This interactive data tool allows users to explore data and technical information related to the Healthy People 2020 objectives.

Residential Information Systems Project (RISP)

Status and Trends in Residential and Medicaid Services for Persons with Intellectual and  Developmental Disabilities. See “Build a Report” feature. Compiled by The Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota.

Facts for Features – 30th Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act: July 26, 2020 

Disability Statistics from U.S. Census Bureau. Tables 

Most recent reports, briefs, data, research papers, surveys, etc. Has links to other disability-statistics sites.

Cornell University Disability Statistics

Online Resource for U.S. Disability Statistics

Classifications of Disease and Functioning & Disability 

National Center for Health Statistics

National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs Guide to Topics & Questions

 The interactive guides below allow users to click on a brief description of a question and view full question text and answer options.

Cornucopia Of Disability Information (CODI) 

CODI serves as a community resource for consumers and professionals by providing disability information in a wide variety of areas.

National Center on Education Statistics Federal Government and Statistical Agencies 

Gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies

Mass Stats 

Mass Stats offers a one-stop resource for seeing a wide variety of public data.

National Center for Health Statistics 

As the Nation’s principal health statistics agency,…’ NCES ‘… compiles statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of our people.

NOD: Statistics & Surveys

The National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.), in cooperation with the Harris Poll, provides timely survey research data on the participation of people with disabilities in American life.


This website generates customized charts of state, national, and individual disability data.

University of Colorado State of the States in Developmental Disabilities 

Profiles of Developmental Disabilities Services in the U.S.

Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center (TBINDSC)

The TBINDC ‘… is the coordinating center for the research and dissemination efforts of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) program.

VassarStats: Web Site for Statistical Computation

Enables users to perform statistical computation for free.

Burn Model System National Data and Statistical Center

Burn Injury Data Coordination Center

National Center for Education Statistics

NCES is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data that are related to education in the United States and other nations.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

IHI is dedicated to improve health and health care worldwide.