About Information and Referral Network

What comprises the Network?

The Network is a collaborative effort of 130+ nonprofit agencies in Massachusetts. A call to one of the member agencies provides the consumer access to the expertise of the entire network. Each year, the Network expands to include new agencies. If your agency is interested, please contact us at 800-642-0249.

Who coordinates the Network?

INDEX coordinates the Network. INDEX staff are responsible for collecting and maintaining the information in our various databases. INDEX also develops and maintains the databases and the web sites upon which the network members rely.

Who participates in the Network?

View a list of all Network members.

How is the Network funded?

Support for database development; collection and maintenance of accurate, relevant information; technical support for member agencies; and coordination of this unique, collaborative effort is provided by network members, state agencies and private organizations. Thanks to our funders, the network is able to provide information to callers free of charge.

What agencies / organizations can join the Network?

Any Massachusetts non-profit or state governmental agency that provides free information and referral to people with disabilities is eligible to join the Network. There is no charge for membership. For additional information, go to Join the Network.