Work Readiness and Job Placement

Goal is to help individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment enter the workforce. Comprehensive assessment services, job training and case management provide the skills and support required to successfully obtain and retain employment. Programs include community based training in facilities. production and distribution, landscaping, food services, custodial and mailing services. Extensive training is also available… Continue Reading Work Readiness and Job Placement [...]


Work Without Limits

A statewide network managed by University of Massachusetts Medical School of employers and collaborative partners that aims to increase employment among individuals with disabilities. University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School 14 – 18, 19 – 22, 23 – 59, 60 + Shrewsbury Kathleen A. Petkauskos 877-937-9675 866-968-7842 19145 Work Without Limits Education, Information/Referral,… Continue Reading Work Without Limits [...]


Workplace Accommodations Info

Free service of the US Department of Labor, providing technical assistance to individuals with disabilities and employers about the ADA and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 19 – 22, 23 – 59, 60 + Morgantown 304-293-5407 304-293-7186 800-526-7234 18823 Workplace Accommodations Info Information/Referral, Transition, Vocational 7) Out of State… Continue Reading Workplace Accommodations Info [...]


Workplace Safety

MASSCOSH, is a non-profit organization that advocates for safe, secure jobs and healthy communities in central and eastern Massachusetts. We offer training and technical assistance. We also build and support community-labor coalitions to organize grassroot campaigns. Ability to communicate in Spanish. MassCOSH strives to ensure that all workers earn their living and return home… Continue Reading Workplace Safety [...]