Site Help

Searching this Website

  • You can use the home page to search for exactly what you want.
  • You can search all of this Website with “Keyword Search” at the top, right of every page.

Making this Website Easy to Read

You can use the Listen button at the top of every page to hear text read to you out loud in a voice.

You can use the buttons on the right side of every page to:

  • show this Website with white text on a black background; and
  • make the text bigger

Changing Text Size

You can change the text size another way. To do so, press two keys on your keyboard.

  • To Zoom In, press Ctrl and + (plus sign)
  • To Zoom Out, press Ctrl and – (minus sign)
  • To Reset Zoom, press Ctrl and 0 (zero)

Note: On a Mac computer, use the Command key, not the Ctrl key.

Telling Us About a Problem with this Website

If you find a problem with using this site, please contact us.

If you are not sure how to tell us of a problem, you can read some friendly advice about it.

You can learn how to make your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone easy to use by visiting the BBC My Computer My Way.

Technical Information

We designed this Website to conform to the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. They explain how to make Websites easier to use by people with disabilities. This Website follows them in ways we believe make it easier to use by everyone.