Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and Related Diseases

Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and Related Diseases

The muscular dystrophies (MD) are a group of more than 30 genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement. Some forms of MD are seen in infancy or childhood, while others may not appear until middle age or later. MD is a progressive disease and symptoms may get worse over time.

Becker MD starts with muscle loss and weakness in the pelvis, things and shoulders. It is often described as a milder form of Duchenne MD.

Duchenne MD is the most common form of MD and primarily affects boys. Onset is between 3 and 5 years and the disorder progresses rapidly.

Myotonic MD is the disorder’s most common adult form and individuals display prolonged muscle spasms, cataracts, cardiac abnormalities, and endocrine disturbances. Individuals with myotonic MD have long, thin faces, drooping eyelids, and a swan-like neck

About Neuromuscular Diseases

A look at causes, symptoms, and care options for neuromuscular diseases.


Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

MDA’s mission is to empower the people we serve to live longer, more independent lives.  Offers support, education and resources for neuromuscular diseases.

Massachusetts MDA Clinics:

Pediatric Neuromuscular Service 

Mass General for Children’s Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinic offers coordinated, multidisciplinary care for infants, children and teens with a wide variety of neuromuscular disorders

Other Information:

 Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy 

Duchenne Muscular Dystophy Information

MDA Request Information or Support 

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

Types of Muscular Dystrophy and Neuromuscular Diseases

Mass General Hospital info about MD and a group of inherited diseases that are characterized by weakness and wasting away of muscle tissue, with or without the breakdown of nerve tissue.

Muscular Dystrophy Information Page 

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Muscular Dystrophy 

US National Library of Medicine

Muscular Dystrophy Basics 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Muscular Dystrophy Resource List for Families  

Muscular Dystrophy Association has a good list of resources.

About Muscular Dystrophy? 

Center for Disease Control information:

  • Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic diseases in which muscles become weak.
  • Each kind of muscular dystrophy affects specific muscle groups, appears at different ages, and varies in severity.

Fact Sheet last updated on: 8/28/2024


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