Emergency Preparedness Resources

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Emergency preparedness for people with disabilities.

Preparing for Effective Communication and Assistive Technologies in Emergencies – Guidance for Local Emergency Planners (PDF) – Developed at the request of our local public health preparedness stakeholders to assist them in their planning and response efforts.

Western Massachusetts IRAA Preparedness Project – Care and evacuation standards in Western Massachusetts. Includes guidelines and recommendations for sheltering and evacuating people who require additional assistance.

Ready.gov: People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs – List of suggestions for emergency preparedness. Also has free, downloadable info about emergency preparedness.

Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities – The Department of Transportation is dedicated to ensuring the highest level of emergency preparedness in the event of a disaster.

FEMA Inclusive Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness – Established to ensure that the Federal government appropriately supports safety and security for individuals with disabilities in disaster situations.

DisasterAssistance.gov – Find local resources.

Office of Disability Employment Policy Emergency Preparedness – Tools and Guidelines

Homeland Security – For all people, including those with disabilities

American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Resources for People with Disabilities  – Being prepared means planning ahead.  Includes making an emergency plan.