Basic Programs & Services for People with Disabilities

Diverse group of people

Basic Programs & Services for People with Disabilities (PwD)

This fact sheet provides a general overview of programs and services available to people with disabilities in Massachusetts. The provided contact information can tell you more about the resources and if they are right for you. If you need more information on any of the topics covered here, or have questions on a service that is not listed in this fact sheet, please call us for additional information.

This fact sheet is divided into the following sections:


Advocacy is working toward a goal, sometimes against resistance. You may advocate on your own behalf, or others may advocate for you. Your local independent living center, tenant organizations, town and city governments, and senators’ or representatives’ offices may also provide advocacy.

One important advocacy tool is reasonable accommodation. State and federal laws require that programs available to the public be accessible to you as a person with a disability. This means that if your disability makes it difficult or impossible for you to receive services, an accommodation must be made so that you can receive services.

Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) 

Provides advocacy assistance to people with disabilities in Massachusetts and runs the client assistance project, which assists people who have problems with the state vocational rehabilitation agencies, MassAbility and MCB.
Toll Free: 800-322-2020 or
Phone: 617-727-7440

Disability Law Center 

Provides free legal services to low-income people with disabilities in the areas of special education, accessibility to community service, health care, disability benefits and right and conditions in facilities.
Phone: 617-723-8455
Toll Free: 800-872-9992
Northampton: 413-584-6337 |  800-222-5619

Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder

Provide free legal assistance and advocacy to low-income people.

Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) 

Does not provide free legal advice or make pro bono referrals to attorneys. LRS will make up to three referrals per case, one at a time. May charge $25 for the first 1/2 hour.
Boston: 617-338-0500
Springfield: 413-731-5134

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) 

To take legal action against a person or entity that has discriminated against you, file a complaint with Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)
Boston:  617-994-6000
TTY: 617-994-6196
New Bedford: 508-990-2390
Springfield:  413-739-2145
Worcester: 508-453-9630


For information, demonstration, or funding for medical equipment, wheelchairs, computers, or any other assistive technology, contact one of the following organizations:

MassAbility Assistive Technology Services

If you’re looking for assistive technology, MassAbility is here to help. Through our Assistive Technology services, you can find communication devices, memory enhancement aids, wheelchairs, vehicle modifications, and more.

Assistive Technology Available Inventory and Resources

MassMatch ATRC Device Inventory Database

GetATstuff (Assistive Technology Exchange in New England) 

MassMATCH’s free AT device exchange program. The Equipment Exchange is similar to a “want ad” where pre-owned AT is listed in order to put people looking for AT in contact with sellers or donators. The Equipment Exchange is an opportunity to re-sell or donate, or sell used AT.

Assistive Technology Regional Centers (ATRCs)

MassMATCH has three ATRCs where anyone can learn about and try out the latest equipment. Visit them to learn about, try out or borrow an AT device.

Helps people with disabilities make informed decisions about assistive technology they can use at home, on the job or in school. Assistive technology available for loans include communication, education, hearing and vision devices.

89 South Street, Boston, MA 02111

Phone: 617-226-2634

Toll Free: 800-244-2756 x634


(Covers western Massachusetts)
For more information contact Amanda at 413-664-9345, ext. 20 
208 West Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: 413-442-1562

18 Chestnut Street Suite 200

Worcester, MA 01608
Phone:  508-751-6495

Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program (ATLP)

Provides low interest loans to qualified people with disabilities and their families to purchase assistive technology devices and services that will help them lead more independent lives.

Toll Free: 800-244-2756 x 428 or 431

TTY: 800-564-9700


Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) 

State-funded Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) provides loans to make modifications to the primary, permanent residence of elders, adults with disabilities, and families with children with disabilities. The modifications to be made to the residence must be necessary to allow the beneficiary to remain in the home and must relate to their ability to function on a daily basis. Eligible homeowners may qualify for 0% to 3% amortizing loans up to $30,000 for modifications such as ramps, lifts, bathroom and kitchen modifications. There are seven regional HMLP providers that process applications.

Contact: Susan Gillam 617-727-5944 or email:

Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (MassEDP) 

If you are a Massachusetts resident with a permanent disability that in the majority of circumstances limits your ability to use the telephone effectively you may be eligible to receive assistive telephone equipment / adaptive communication equipment at a reduced rate. Under the program, equipment is available to individuals who have cognitive, hearing, motion, speech or vision impairments. 

Phone/TTY: 800-300-5658


Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC)

Program funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). To be eligible for EAEDC, you must be low-income and have limited assets. You must be out of work, but the requirements for how long you have (or will have) a disability are not as strict as those for SSI/SSDI.  For help applying for public assistance, call the DTA at 1-877-382-2363.

(DTA Office Locations)

Food Stamps 

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is also administered by DTA. If you have low income and low assets, regardless of your disability status, you can receive a food stamps “credit card” that you use at the grocery store to pay for a certain dollar amount of food every month.
To find out if you’re eligible and to start the application process call Project Bread’s Food Source Hotline at: 1-800-645-8333

Find your DTA office

Project Bread Food Source Hotline 

Connects people in need of a variety of food resources such as food pantries, soup kitchens and Meals on Wheels. Call Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM to locate food sources in your area. Hotline has the ability to help hungry families in 160 languages.
Toll Free: 800-645-8333
TTY: 800-377-1292

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 

Programs funded by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide income to people who are unable to work due to a disability. Both programs have the same definition of disability: you must be totally unable to work for a year or more, or your condition must be expected to result in death. (Note: Children with a disability are also eligible for SSI, but instead of inability to work they are awarded benefits on their inability to do all the same social, educational, and developmental activities of other kids their age.) Keep in mind: Most people who apply for SSI/SSDI are turned down the first time. If you get denied initially, it is important to resubmit your application.
You can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Cash assistance program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for the elderly (over age 65) and disabled. The Department works with the SSA to assist elders and certain categories of long-term disabled residents to receive SSI benefits. Once you are approved for SSI you will also receive Medicaid (MassHealth), health insurance for people who have low income.

Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)

Based on your work history (having paid in to Social Security) and not on your income or asset level. Two years after being approved for SSDI you will receive Medicare, government funded health care for people who are elders or who have a disability.To apply for either program, call Social Security at 800-772-1213 or TTY: 800-325-0778.

Adult Disability Application Checklist (.pdf)

This will help you gather the information you may need to create a my Social Security account and complete the online Disability application.

Benefits for Children with Disabilities (.pdf)

For the parents,caregivers, or representatives of children younger than age 18 who have disabilities that may make them eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. It is also for adults with disabilities since childhood (prior to age 22), and who might be entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.


The Federation for Children with Special Needs

Provides information, referral, advocacy, and support to parents and others concerned with the needs and rights of children (ages birth to 22) with disabilities, particularly in obtaining appropriate education.

Federation for Children with Special Needs (main office)
The Schrafft Center
529 Main Street, Suite 1M3
Boston, MA 02129
Phone/TTY: 617-236-7210
Toll Free: 800-331-0688 (Mass. only)
Satellite office Western Mass: 413-323-0681 or 866-323-0681

Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPR)

Serves as a central resource of information and products to the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities.
Center for Parent Information and Resources

c/o Statewide Parent Advocacy Network
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-642-8100


If you want to hurt yourself,  call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH)

HelpLine: 800-221-0053

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) 

NAMI Mass provides family to family education, support groups and information and referral to people with mental illness and their family.

The Schrafft Center
529 Main Street, Suite 1M17
Boston, MA 02129
Phone: (617)-580-8541
Helpline: 800-370-9085

Safe Passage 

Offer support, shelter, counseling, and resources for survivors, children, and families affected by domestic violence. Located in Northampton.
24-hour Crisis Hotline: 413-586-5066
Phone: 413-586-1125
Toll Free: 888-345-5282

Additional mental health organization can be found  in  fact sheet, “Mental Illness”. Hospital social work departments frequently host a variety of support groups relating to illnesses and disabilities. Another potential source of support is contacting a specific disability organization. Most provide some form of emotional support, including referrals to support groups, a call-in line and contact information of others in your area with the same disability.


Call HEATLINE at 800-632-8175 (V/TTY)

Fuel Assistance 

Also known as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) , is a government program to help low-income families and individuals pay their heating bills during the winter. The program is managed by the DHCD in conjunction with 22 regional nonprofit and local government organizations.

Eligibility for fuel assistance is based on having low income and low assets. To find out which Energy Assistance Program serves your area 

All electric and most gas companies have low-income discount programs. You automatically qualify for discounts if you receive food stamp benefits, MassHealth, SSI, fuel assistance, Veterans’services, if your child is in Head Start or the school lunch program. These discounts can save you 20 – 35% on each bill. To apply for discounts, call your gas and electric companies to request an application.

Major utility companies in Massachusetts

If your utility company is not listed, look on your utility bill for the Customer Service number. You may also call the Department of Public Utilities at (617) 305-3500 for information.

Electric and gas companies also offer free “energy conservation surveys” which may pay for insulation, water-saving devices, low-energy lights and provide useful tips on how to save money on utility bills. For information on either program, contact your utility company’s customer service department or the Consumer Division of the Department of Public Utilities at 877-886-5066. Additionally, water and sewer companies often offer discounts to people with disabilities, regardless of income or assets. Call your water company to inquire.

The Good Neighbor Energy Fund 

Operated by your local Salvation Army Office, is for those with limited income that are not eligible for fuel assistance. The fund most often helps families or individuals facing an unexpected short-term financial crisis. Your immigration status does not matter for this program. For more information about eligibility requirements, please call:
• 1-800-334-3047 (serving area codes 508, 617, 781 and 978) or
• 1-800-262-1320 (serving area code 413).
You may apply by directly contacting your local Salvation Army Service Center
If you do not see a Service Center in your local area, please call 339-502-5900.

Citizens Energy Joe-4-Sun MA

Allows families to receive discounts on electric bills from National Grid or Eversource. After you are accepted into JOE-4-SUN, they will send your account to  the utility. You will see savings on your bill after being processed and assigned to one of the solar arrays by your utility, which takes 1-2 billing cycles. 

Citizens Energy is no longer accepting applications for the Natural Gas Assistance Program.


Free telephone directory assistance exemptions and operator assistance exemptions are available for Verizon customers in Massachusetts if you are blind or low-vision, or mobility impaired. For additional information and application call Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities at 800-974-6006 (voice and TTY).

Department of Telecommunications and Cable 

State agency that can assist consumers with disabilities with disputes or issues that they have with their landline telephone and or cable service. Hotline telephone number is (800) 392-6066 and email complaints can be sent to

Mass Equipment Distribution Program

If you are a Massachusetts resident with a permanent disability that in the majority of circumstances limits your ability to use the telephone effectively you may be eligible to receive assistive telephone equipment free of charge or at a reduced rate, depending on your income. Disabilities include deafness, hearing loss, speech, vision impairment, blindness, cognitive or motion impairment that affects use of phone. Consumers who are blind or deaf/blind or have a cognitive or motion disability are entitled to free installation and a home visit by a MassEDP agent.

Lifeline Free Wireless Cell Phone Service 

Government supported free cell phone service for Massachusetts residents with limited incomes. There are no contracts or monthly fees. You are eligible for Lifeline if you participate in MassHealth / Medicaid , LIHEAP Fuel Assistance, Food Stamps, TAFDC, EAEDC, SSI.
There are two Lifeline services available in Massachusetts

    • Safelink Wireless Lifeline Service
      provides a free cell phone, a choide of three different calling plans that include texting options. TracFone Wireless, a U.S. prepaid cell phone company provides the SafeLink service. For additional information or application, call Safelink at 1-800-723-3546
    • Assurance Wireless
      provides a free cell phone with 350 minutes per month plus text.
      Virgin Mobile, provides the Assurance Wireless service.
      For additional information or application, call Assurance Wireless at 888-898-4888


The HEATH Resource Center 

National clearinghouse on post secondary education for individuals with disabilities. HEATH provides information and referral about educational issues for people with disabilities relating to college, vocational-technical schools and other post secondary training entities. Information about accessibility, career development, classroom adaptations, financial aid, independent living, transition resources and rehabilitation.
HEATH Resource Center
George Washington University
2134 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052-0001


Project IMPACT / MassAbility

Project IMPACT provides this resource in Essex, Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket, Norfolk and Suffolk Counties. The remaining counties of Massachusetts are covered by Beneplan.
Toll Free: 800-734-7475
Contact: Joseph Reale
Phone: 617-204-3854
Project IMPACT Referral Form

Work Without Limits Benefits Counseling

Toll Free: 877-937-9675

Our team of certified Community Work Incentives Coordinators serve Massachusetts residents in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex and Worcester counties. We also provide benefits counseling to New York residents in Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Schenectady, Schoharie, and Washington counties. 

For a list of all the towns covered: click here (pdf).

Contact: Winnie Siano, CWIC

Phone: 508-856-8349

Contact form

If you are a resident of Massachusetts counties: Bristol, Barnstable, Dukes, Essex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, and Suffolk, contact Project IMPACT at 1-800-734-7475.


Goal of the MassAbility Career Programs and Services is to assist people with disabilities to enter the work force. Services include identifying job goals, vocational training, assessing work site accommodations, educating employers about applicable laws, job search assistance and job placement. There are 25 offices statewide.
Toll Free: 800-245-6543 (V/TTY)
Phone: 617-204-3600

MassAbility Statewide Employment Services (SES) Department 

SES provides services to individuals who have severe disabilities to enable them to choose, obtain, and retain meaningful employment.  All Program Specialists meet the qualifications of a Qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. They provide counseling, guidance, case management and they oversee contracts with Community Rehabilitation Providers, who assist individuals with disabilities to assess their strengths, develop career plans and place individuals in competitive employment.
Address: 600 Washington Street Boston MA 02111
Phone: 617-204-3854

MassHire Career Centers

31 MassHire Career Centers throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts form the foundation of the state’s delivery system for employment and training services for job seekers, employers, and their workers.

Find a MassHire Career Center 

Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) 

Job search services include vocational evaluation, resume and interview preparation, career exploration, job search assistance, job development, job placement, assistance requesting accommodations and job coaching. Serves Greater Boston area.
Phone: 617-399-3131
TTY: 711

Community Work Services (CWS) 

Helps people who face barriers to work obtain employment and achieve greater self sufficiency through innovative job training, placement and support services. Offers short-term vocational evaluations assessments, hotel and hospitality training program, food service training program, and janitorial training program. Tours to learn about all training programs are offered on Wednesdays at 1PM.
Serves Boston area.
Contact: Craig Stenning, Director of Workforce Development
Phone: 617-720-2233
Contact Form:

Easter Seals Massachusetts Job Development & Placement Services

Offers comprehensive vocational rehabilitation, job training, employment services and individualized instruction in computer software applications to adults with a wide range of disabilities in Boston and Worcester.
Email: to learn more about Employment and Training Services

Work Inc. 

Assists individuals to define their employment objectives and help them with career exploration, training, education, counseling and job placement. Serves Greater Boston, Southeastern, North Shore, and Central Massachusetts

Work Inc. Locations:
Dorchester Career Access Point
25 Beach Street
Dorchester, MA 02122-2734
Contact: Steve Aalto 617-691-1500

South Coast Employment Services
143 Union Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Contact: Steve Aalto, (617) 691-1731 or (508) 999-2318

Work Inc. Fitchburg & Leominster Employment Services
473 Main Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Contact: Michelle Dunn (978) 342-0337

Work Without Limits 

Info about benefits, insurance and job search tips for individuals, employers and providers in Massachusetts.
UMass Chan Medical School
333 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-856-2710


MCPHS Pharmacy Outreach Program 

Answers questions about your prescription medicine and work with your doctor to reduce cost for Massachusetts residents.
Toll Free: 866-633-1617 Available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Free and Low-Cost Medications are available from certain pharmaceutical companies for people with disabilities and elders. 

Web-based information resource for people who need assistance with paying the cost of healthcare. You can find the following programs: patient assistance programs, disease-based assistance, help with paperwork and state programs. Select “First Time User” in the top menu on the homepage for help getting started. For all helpline questions, send emails to or call our toll-free number: 800-503-6897

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan 

Available to Medicare beneficiaries. This new benefit was established by the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA), which was enacted in 2003.

Massachusetts residents with disabilities, and their families, may also be eligible for MassHealth, public health insurance that covers medical and dental care, and prescriptions. The primary factor for eligibility is income level; assets are not counted in most cases.
MassHealth Customer Service: 800-841-2900, TTY: 800-497-4648.
To apply for MassHealth, you should call the MassHealth Enrollment Center at 888-665-9993 or download an application

Health Care For All 

Available to answer your questions about healthcare in Massachusetts.
Consumer Help Line: 800-272-4232

Health Connector 

Online tool that helps Massachusetts residents find health insurance coverage and avoid tax penalties. Commonwealth Choice offers many name-brand health insurance options. Commonwealth Care is low or no-cost health insurance for people who qualify.
Health Connector Customer Service: 1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765), or TTY 1-877-623-7773

Health Safety Net Fund (Free Care)

The Health Safety Net (HSN) pays acute care hospitals and community health centers for essential health care services provided to uninsured and underinsured Massachusetts residents.

For Patients
MassHealth Member Applications


Massachusetts residents with disabilities, and their families, may also be eligible for MassHealth, public health insurance that covers medical and dental care, and prescriptions. The primary factor for eligibility is income level; assets are not counted in most cases.
MassHealth Customer Service: 800-841-2900, TTY: 800-497-4648.
To apply for MassHealth, you should call the MassHealth Enrollment Center at 888-665-9993 or download an application.

Mayor’s Health Line in Boston 

Provides assistance to callers on a variety of personal and public issues in the Boston area including: primary care providers, assisting with applying for health insurance, support groups, mental health services, nutritional programs, legal and financial assistance programs and more. 

Toll Free: 800-847-0710 or 617-534-5050.

Serving Health Information Needs of Everyone (SHINE) 

SHINE is a state health insurance assistance program that provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Massachusetts elders and individuals with disabilities in understanding their Medicare and MassHealth benefits and other health insurance options. SHINE counselors are available throughout the state at local Council on aging, senior centers, elder service agencies, hospitals and other community based agencies. Call 800-243-4636, then press 3 or press 5 if calling from cell phone to contact your local SHINE Program Office

Find a SHINE Counselor


Rental Housing

Subsidized Housing – If you are low-income, you are eligible to apply for rental assistance. There are local, state, and federal sources of rental assistance, also known as subsidized housing.

Project-based Subsidized Housing – Is permanent, multi-family housing for people who have low-income and/or disabilities, or who are elders; you pay 30% of your income toward your rent, with the government paying the balance. To get a list of subsidized housing throughout Massachusetts, contact MassHousing at One Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108-3110 To request its “MHFA Housing List.”
Phone: 617-854-1000 TOLL-FREE: 800-882-1154
Mass Relay, 711 or 800-439-2370

A mobile Section 8 voucher also allows you to pay 30% of your income towards the rent, but you can use a voucher for any apartment in the U.S. as long as it passes inspection and is within rental limits for the program. It is usually not easy to get a section 8 voucher — generally only a few housing authorities are accepting applications at any one time, and there are often waiting lists once you apply. However, with luck and perseverance you can relieve a considerable financial burden. You may apply to as many housing authorities as you wish; you do not have to apply just in your city/town. To apply, start calling housing authorities in your area. For further information on finding affordable housing, rental assistance, or a list of Massachusetts Housing Authorities, call your local Independent Living Center (ILC).

Persons interested in Section 8 vouchers are advised to put their name on a centralized waiting list as soon as possible. Seventy two Massachusetts housing authorities utilize this one computerized list; all applicant information entered onto this list can be accessed and updated by any and all participating housing authorities.
Toll Free: 877-868-0040


An online service for matching people needing subsidized, affordable, and special needs housing with the available housing inventory.

Accessible Housing

Mass Access Accessible Housing Registry has been replaced by 2 sites. 

Housing Navigator Massachusetts is an official free online tool to help people search for affordable rentals statewide. 

My Mass Home is the official free online listing search tool for accessible and affordable home ownership in Massachusetts. 

Supportive Housing for Adults with Disabilities

Autism Housing Pathways

Provides information, support and resources for families who seek to create secure, supported housing for their adult children with disabilities.  Autism Housing Pathways will support families in forming a variety of housing models by providing a clearinghouse of information on such topics as cooperative bylaws, building plans for modular housing that conforms to legal criteria, real estate trusts, and affordable housing options.  AHP shares information about housing groups, developers, lawyers, vendors and consultants that can assist families in creating housing.
Contact form:

The Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA)

Offers a range of home ownership programs — for buying or fixing up a home – to people of low to moderate income, people with disabilities, and first-time home owners. MHFA programs include low-interest (below market rate) mortgages, home buyer counseling, home improvement loans, lead-removal financing, and septic repair loans.
Phone: 617-854-1000
MASS RELAY: 7-1-1 or 800.439.2370

The Home Modifications for Persons with Disabilities Loan Program (HMLP) 

Provides low- and no-interest loans to modify the homes of adults and children with disabilities, and elders. Contact Sue Gillam
Phone: 617-727-5944

Institute for Human Centered Design 

Promotes accessibility through education programs, technical assistance, training, consulting, publications and design advocacy. AEC provides technical assistance materials on the ADA, universal design, home modification, pertinent laws, and disability policy related topics. Adaptive Environments Center
200 Portland St, Suite 1, Boston, MA 02114
Phone/TTY: 617-695-1225


The goal of ILCs is to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. ILCs provide information and referral, advocacy, and other services to people with disabilities, such as peer counseling, housing assistance, personal care assistant programming, and independent living skills training.
Contact your local ILC for more information:



Homemakers assist with shopping, cleaning, meal preparation, and similar tasks. They can often be hired, at an hourly rate, through home care agencies and Visiting Nurses Associations (VNAs), or you can hire one yourself by putting a classified ad in a local newspaper. Your local ILC can provide you with tips on how best to find, to hire, and to manage home help.

MassAbility Home Care Assistance Program 

Client must have a disability that requires homemaker assistance. Homemaker tasks include: meal preparation, food planning, grocery shopping, medication pick-up, laundry and light housekeeping. Must be between ages of 18 and 59, live alone or with minor children or others with disabilities unable to help. Financial needs statement taken to assess eligibility. All disabilities except legally blind.
Phone: 617-204-3853
Toll Free: 800-223-2559

Massachusetts Commission for The Blind (MCB) Social Rehabilitation (SR) Services

MCB works with consumers to show them ways to navigate their environments and how to use technology to improve a consumer’s independence. Consumers receive services in their own homes, while living with others, in senior residences, assisted living, or in a nursing home. A social worker assists in selecting the services most appropriate to each consumer’s needs and arranges, coordinates, and follows through with an individual service plan. In order for MCB to provide homemaker service, consumers must be financially eligible and have a serious illness or injury in addition to legal blindness.
Phone: 617-727-5550
Toll Free: 800-392-6450 (MASS. ONLY) Voice
800-392-6556 (MASS. ONLY) TD

If you are 60 or over you may qualify for homemaker services through Elder Services. Call the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) at 800-243-4636 or TTY: 1-800-439-2370 for information regarding services offered by local Elder Services offices.

Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs 

Works with families, providers, and others to support children and youth with special health needs ages birth to 22 and their families. This includes children and youth with chronic medical, physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions. The goal of the Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs is to promote good health and quality of life for all children and youth with special health care needs and their families.
Community Support Line: 800-882-1435

Personal Care Assistant/Attendant (PCA)

The Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program is delivered by MassHealth. MassHealth pays consumer-employers (individuals with physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities) to hire PCAs to assist with activities of daily living. Consumer-employers are evaluated and eligible for the PCA program if they need support with two or more activities of daily living.

The Mass PCA directory is sponsored by the PCA Workforce Council and it offers a comprehensive and current list of people in Massachusetts who are ready to provide personal care and consumers who are hiring PCAs. Visit to get started!


Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Disability Plates and Placards 

You are eligible for an Disability plate or placard if you have a diagnosed long-term disease or disorder that substantially impairs or interferes with mobility. The fee for a disability plate is $60.00 for a two-year registration. There is no fee for a placard.
Medical Affairs Branch, Registry of Motor Vehicles, P.O. Box 5589, Boston, MA 02205
From Massachusetts area codes 339/617/781/857 and from outside of Massachusetts call: 857-368-8000
From all other Massachusetts area codes not listed above call: 800-858-3926
Medical Affairs: 857-368-8020
If you are in Massachusetts and are hearing impaired, call 877-768-8833

MBTA Services 

The MBTA has a Mobility Center available to anyone looking to explore accessible transit options and other community transport resources.

Address: 1000 Massachusetts Ave Boston MA 02118
Phone: 617-337-2727

Reduced Fare Passes for People with Disabilities 

A Transportation Access Pass entitles you to reduced fares on all MBTA services including buses, trains, rapid transit, trackless trolleys, commuter rail, and commuter boats.
Phone: 617-222-5976 for application.

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) Charlie Card – Issues photo card to eligible persons with vision impairments, which allows free travel on fixed route buses, trains and subway. Call for information.
Customer Support: 617-222-3200.


The MBTA’s paratransit service, The RIDE, provides advance notice, door-to-door transportation to those who, because of a mental, physical or sensory disability, are unable to use general public transportation. The RIDE has wheelchair equipped vans and covers the same service area as the T and Commuter Rail. Call for application and information. Twenty one days allowed to process application upon receipt per ADA regulations.
Phone: 617-222-5123 or
The RIDE Access Center (TRAC): 844-427-7433

TRIP Metro North 

Mystic Valley Elder Services has a program called TRIP Metro North. Trip Metro North is a unique, free, passenger-controlled transportation program open to older adults and adults living with disabilities in Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, and Wakefield.  TRIP Metro North gives you the tools you need to recruit friends, neighbors, or relatives to drive you where you need to go – and the money to reimburse them for mileage!  With TRIP Metro North, you can get to the doctor, the market, or out to meet friends, all on your own terms and wherever you want to go. If you have a need for transportation, please contact the Mystic Valley Elder Services to sign up for TRIP.
Phone: 781-324-7705 ext 346
TTY: 781-321-8880


Local churches, synagogues, or other religious organizations; Lions or Elks Clubs, or other civic organizations are often good sources for assistance, including financial or volunteer assistance.

Many cities and towns have a Commission on Disability (COD) (.pdf) and/or social service departments.
Also, call your city or town hall to find out what your community offers.

Fact Sheet last updated on: 10/8/2024


Disclaimer: INDEX is pleased to provide you this information. Please note,  this information is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. We encourage you to check other resources of such information. No endorsement by the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School,,  INDEX, or affiliates, should be inferred. We reserve the right to remove, to modify, or to add any information at any time, for any reason, and without notice.