Recycling Medical Equipment

Recycling Medical Equipment

Every day people look to donate used medical equipment or to get low cost or no cost medical equipment. Here are some resources to donate equipment and find equipment.

Places to Donate and Purchase Used Medical Equipment:


Find free places to borrow OR donate durable medical equipment. GotDME has a searchable database that provides resources by zip code or state. 


Assistive Technology Exchange in New England is MassMATCH’s free AT device exchange program. The Equipment Exchange is similar to a “want ad” where pre-owned AT is listed in order to put people looking for AT in contact with sellers or donators. The Equipment Exchange is an opportunity to re-sell or donate, or sell used AT, call the toll free MassMATCH INFO-line 877-508-3974.


REquipment provides free refurbished durable medical equipment to adults and children with disabilities and elders in MA. We accept donations of gently used wheelchairs (power and manual), scooters, rollators, shower chairs, sling lifts, gait trainers and more and refurbish them to safe working condition. Search our available listings at Donors call 617-204-3626. Donation pick up and delivery is available in Greater Boston and Central MA.

""Boston Center for Independent Living 

The Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) picks up unwanted wheeled mobility equipment and other durable medical equipment in the greater Boston area. BCIL inspects and provides minor refurbishment (such as new batteries and tires and some repairs). Refurbished devices are posted as available on and delivered within BCIL’s service area. Leave a message with Tom Perry at 617-338-6665 x228 and he will return call.

Cape Cod HELP

Our mission is to loan (not rent) donated medical equipment to people in need and have modeled our operation after the Woburn-based SMD HELP organization which has been active for over 50 years. We are operating out of the Fraternal Lodge building in Centerville

Councils on Aging (COA) 

Depending on the town, some COAs serve those with disabilities in addition to seniors. Ask if your COA loans out equipment.

Find your local COA.

Masonic Hospital Equipment Loan Program  (H.E.L.P.)

Lends hospital equipment to those in need free of charge. Donations of equipment are accepted as well. Requirements for borrowing the equipment are need and willingness to promptly return the equipment when no longer needed.
Phone: 781-322-1052

""Stavros Equipment Loan Program

Stavros maintains a small collection of medical equipment, which is loaned free of charge for a specified period of time.
If you are in need of such equipment, or if you have equipment you would like to donate: or

Phone: 800-804-1899 V/TTD


The Hospital Bed Project 

Allowing seniors, disabled and recuperating loved ones to enjoy life within the comforts of home. Serving in-home hospital bed needs throughout Southern New England. 

""Wheelchair Recycler

Located in Marlborough. Contact person is David Heim. Wheelchair Recycler refurbishes and distributes pre-owned power wheelchairs and electric scooters at a very low cost to people that either do not have health insurance or do not qualify for equipment. If you can not pick up scooter, there is a $100 delivery charge.
Phone: 508-460-6328

Fact Sheet last updated on: 8/1/2024


Disclaimer: INDEX is pleased to provide you this information. Please note, this information is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. We encourage you to check other resources of such information. No endorsement by the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School,,  INDEX, or affiliates, should be inferred. We reserve the right to remove, to modify, or to add any information at any time, for any reason, and without notice.