Housing Resources

Housing Resources

Here are some resources to help you find different types of housing.

Accessible Housing

Mass Access: The Accessible Housing Registry

Mass Access: The Accessible Housing Registry has been replaced by 2 websites.

    • Housing Navigator MA is the official online listing and search tool for accessible and affordable rental homes in Massachusetts.
    • MyMassHome is the official online listing and search tool for accessible and affordable homeownership opportunities in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Adaptive Housing Resources

MRC’s Home Modification Resources

Provide accessible housing to people with disabilities in their primary, permanent home to enhance their ability to participate in vocational services, and to return to work. The Adaptive Housing Program provides architectural modifications to the private residences of people and related equipment installation to remove impairment related barriers to occupancy by the person. Examples of modifications that may be eligible under this program are wheelchair access via lifts, ramps, door widening, or bathroom modifications such as roll in showers or grab bars.

Any person who has a physical or mental impairment which constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment.  They must require vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, enter, engage in or retain work and the individual can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in terms of an employment outcome.  The maximum dollar limit about is $15,000.  However the Commission may approve expenditure of more than $15,000 limit for adaptive housing services when exceptional circumstances warrant a waiver.  Financial help is based on annual income and cash assets. For more information, please contact Eugene Blumkin at 617-204-3721 or Eugene.Blumkin@MRC.state.ma.us

MRC’s Adaptive Housing FAQs

Rental Housing

Find your local Independent Living Center (ILC)

Massachusetts Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Centralized Waiting List 

People are advised to put their name on this centralized waiting list as soon as possible. Seventy two Massachusetts housing authorities utilize this  computerized list; all applicant information entered onto this list can be accessed and updated by any and all participating housing authorities.

Section 8 Made Simple – Using the Housing Choice Voucher Program to Assist People With Disabilities

Comprehensive Guide written by Ann O’Hara and Emily Cooper of Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc. with funding from the Melville Charitable Trust. This guidebook contains practical information to assist people with disabilities and the entire disability community to navigate through the Section 8 program more successfully.

Massachusetts Housing Education Centers

Housing Consumer Education Centers offer answers to a wide range of questions about all types of housing problems. Tenants, landlords, prospective buyers, and homeowners can access information designed to maximize housing stability, strengthen investments, and minimize disputes.
Scroll down Housing Consumer Education Centers home page to map to find a center near you.

CHAPA Housing Search Guide (pdf) 

This 23 page guide provides information about searching for rental housing in Massachusetts for people who have one or more disabilities. Most of the information is also helpful to people who are low-income.

Supportive Housing for Adult Children with Disabilities

Autism Housing Pathways (AHP)

Provides information, support and resources for families who seek to create secure, supported housing for their adult children with disabilities.  Autism Housing Pathways will support families in forming a variety of housing models by providing a clearinghouse of information on such topics as cooperative bylaws, building plans for modular housing that conforms to legal criteria, real estate trusts, and affordable housing options.  AHP shares information about housing groups, developers, lawyers, vendors and consultants that can assist families in creating housing.  Contact: http://autismhousingpathways.org/contact/

New England Village Adult Residential Services

Today, with multiple locations, modern facilities and a specialized team of highly skilled and dedicated human service professionals, New England Village serves more than 180 men and women, through a variety of innovative programs and customized supports. Our Residential Services Division provides a variety of housing and support arrangements for adults with IDD ( intellectual and developmental disabilities).

Cape Cod Village 

Planned village in Orleans, MA with housing for 15 adults with autism and a Community Resource Center.

       19 Childs Homestead Road Building 3, Orleans, MA 02653

Phone: 774-316-4640

Email: info@capecodvillage.org

Housing for People with Mental Illness

Wellmet Project

Wellmet Project is a unique program that operates group homes for people with mental illness. Wellmet is a charity whose purpose is to not only meet the basic needs of each individual, but to encourage growth, independence and self sufficiency. Much of the operation of the homes is determined by the residents in a weekly house meeting, and our use of live in staff provide a cost-effective means to offer support services. Wellmet is a transitional housing program, with a length of stay ranging from 6 months to 5 years. Our residents have a wide range of psychiatric diagnoses, but they share the common need for support, companionship, respect, and a commitment to recovery.

Housing Workshops

Call your local Independent Living Center (ILC) to find out about housing workshops offered.  Independent Living Center philosophy is self-advocacy.

Home Ownership


Offers a range of home ownership programs — for buying or fixing up a home — to people of low to moderate income, people with disabilities, and first-time home owners. MassHousing programs include low-interest (below market rate) mortgages, home buyer counseling, home improvement loans, lead-removal financing, and septic repair loans. TEL: 617-854-1000 | RELAY: 7-1-1 | VIDEOPHONE: 857.366.4157

Mass.gov Housing Development Programs 

The programs offered encourage the development of affordable housing projects that serve both families and individuals with annual incomes at or below 80% of area median income.

HUD.gov Home Ownership Assistance: Massachusetts 

Statewide and Regional Programs

Unlocking the Door to Community Living

Publication of Jewish Family and Children’s Service is a comprehensive approach to transitioning to adulthood.
Housing is treated as one subject among many, including support services and social networking.

Groups working on housing and adult living

Fact Sheet last updated on: 8/5/2024


Disclaimer: INDEX is pleased to provide you this information. Please note,  this information is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. We encourage you to check other resources of such information. No endorsement by the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, DisabilityInfo.org,  INDEX, or affiliates, should be inferred. We reserve the right to remove, to modify, or to add any information at any time, for any reason, and without notice.