Job Resources
Here are resources to help you get training for a job and find a job.
Statewide Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
MRC is our state’s vocational rehabilitation agency that directly provides, funds, and contracts for a variety of services focused on employment and independence for people with disabilities.
MRC Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit
Adults on the autism spectrum have strengths and abilities that employers are just beginning to understand. We have created this Employment Tool Kit, written directly to adults with autism, to help them research, find and keep employment in the current, competitive labor market. Stories, tips and resources were developed by a collaboration of people, including adults with autism, dedicated to increasing the employment participation of adults on the spectrum. Although this Employment Tool Kit is geared towards adults on the spectrum, we know that families, transition coordinators, vocational rehabilitation staff, business leaders and anyone who is helping someone with autism find and keep employment will also find this resource helpful!
Job Training, Job Search, and On-The-Job Supports
Local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Offices in Massachusetts
- Overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation Process
- Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Services Information
Find Jobs In Massachusetts with JobQuest!
JobQuest is a FREE online service.
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
MCB offers comprehensive VR services to eligible and interested consumers who want to overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining, or returning to employment or other useful occupation.
Hiring Disabled Workers: Myths & Facts
MassHire Department of Career Services resources for disabled workers and employers
Employment First Massachusetts
Promoting inclusive employment in Massachusetts. Employment First is presented by the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston and is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services.
Serves Greater Boston area.
Phone: 617-399-3131
TTY: 711
Serves Boston area.
Phone: 617-720-2233
Riverside Community Care Regional Employment Collaboratives
Regional Employment Collaboratives of provider organizations and state agencies working to improve employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
Massachusetts Independent Living Centers
Local centers around the state have expertise and experience with employment related issues such as networking, accessible technology, skills training and transportation. Uses a “peer model” approach.
Work Without Limits
Provides resources and information on employment for many audiences, including people with disabilities, family members, employment service providers, and employers. This comprehensive website provides resources that help in the job search process, including information on local service providers, transportation assistance, benefits planning and more.
Work Without Limits provides training and consulting services to help build the capacity of employers, employment service providers, state agency personnel, and educational institutions in advancing workplace disability inclusion.
Work without Limits Jobs Ability
Jobs Ability is a public, searchable jobs board.
Massachusetts Veterans’ Services: Employment and Training
Veteran Education, Employment, and Training Office (VEET)
Program to Help Veterans Find Employment
MassHire Veterans’ Job Programs and Services
Each MassHire Career Center has Local Veteran Employment Representatives (LVER) to assist veterans.
Find a MassHire Career Center near you.
Federal Jobs and Resources
The Federal Government continues to recruit and hire persons with disabilities. People with disabilities can be appointed to Federal jobs non-competitively through a process called Schedule A. Learn how to be considered for Federal jobs under the noncompetitive process. People with disabilities may also apply for jobs through the traditional or competitive process.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415
Phone: 202-606-1800 Jobs and Education for People with Disabilities
Learn about employment resources on how to find a government job and prepare for a job interview. You can also find information on employment laws and how to file a workplace harassment or discrimination complaint. Also, search educational programs for students with disabilities.
Find a Job
Learn how and where to search for employment.
U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy Employment First program is a framework for systems change that is centered on the premise that all citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life.
Workplace Accommodations
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
JAN has developed a Searchable Online Accommodation Resource for exploring various accommodation options for people with disabilities in work and educational settings. JAN has also developed a handy Employers’ Practical Guide.
Ideas for Writing an Accommodation Request Letter
Here is a sample accommodation request letter that can be used to ask for reasonable accommodations from an employer.
Job Application/Interview Dos and Don’ts
Job Accommodation Network has put together a list of allowable and not allowable disability related questions under the ADA. On job applications and during job interviews, employers can not ask questions that are closely related to a disability.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ADA Guidelines
Here are guidelines about pre-employment disability related questions and medical exams.
Job Applicants and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Job Accommodation Network has put together some common questions about how the ADA protects applicants with disabilities during the pre-employment process.
Finding a Job That is Right for You
Job Accommodation Network has suggestions for looking for jobs that fit, job search help, job interview and resume tips, and post hiring tips.
Accessible Technology in the Workplace
Has a mission to promote full and unrestricted participation in business and society by persons with disabilities through the use of electronic information technology that is universally accessible. Check out their discussions and webinars on why it makes good business sense for firms to hire people with disabilities.
Personal Assistance Services in the Workplace (WPAS)
Workplace Personal Assistance Services (WPAS) include work task-related assistance, such as the use of a reader for business documents not otherwise available electronically, a sign language interpreter for company meetings or trainings, and help lifting or reaching work work-related items. WPAS may include personal care-related assistance such as helping an employee to access the restroom, eat or drink at work, or travel for business purposes.
School Days to Pay Days: An Employment Planning Guide for Families of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (pdf)
Collaboratively designed by Institute for Community Inclusion and Department of Developmental Services through the Work Without Limits employment initiative, this booklet helps families get started with the school-to-work transition process. Readers can learn about resources, services, and programs available for young adults with intellectual disabilities in Massachusetts; and find inspiration in the many success stories of young adults who have secured fulfilling employment with appropriate supports.
More Info at our Job Support Services / Benefit Programs Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet last updated on: 7/17/2024
Disclaimer: INDEX is pleased to provide you this information. Please note, this information is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. We encourage you to check other resources of such information. No endorsement by the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School,, INDEX, or affiliates, should be inferred. We reserve the right to remove, to modify, or to add any information at any time, for any reason, and without notice.