Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speaker

""Contact Information

1046 Cambridge ST
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-864-7600 (voice)    617-864-7600 (TTY)

View the Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speaker website

Information Specialist: Alirio Mendes Pereira – Director of Immigrant Integration & Elder Services
Contact form:

Hours: Cambridge office: Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM Somerville office evenings by appointment only

Additional Locations: Somerville, Boston, Framingham & Lowell

Organization Narrative

Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers is a private, nonprofit, community-based organization that has provided a wide range of health- & social services to Portuguese speakers and other residents of eastern Massachusetts since 1970. Most of MAPS clients in the Boston area and northeastern Massachusetts are from Brazil, Cape Verde or Portugal.

Population(s) Served

People from all Portuguese speaking communities and their descendents


Cape Verdean, Creole, Portuguese, Spanish,


  • Immigrant Social Services
  • Family-Based Services
  • Elder Services
  • Citizenship Assistance
  • Courses in Citizenship
  • English for Speakers of Other Language and the Portuguese Language
  • Domestic Violence prevention & Advocacy
  • Batterer Intervention
  • HIV / AIDS Outreach & Education
  • HIV / AIDS Case Management
  • Driver Alcohol Education
  • Advocacy
  • Community Development Services
  • Translation Services
  • Notary Public
  • HIV Counseling and Testing


Programs open to all who need them.


Most programs free. Fee-based services include Batterer Intervention and Driver Alcohol Education (court-mandated fees apply), Educational Programs and Translation Services. Please call for more information.

Other Information: Beatriz Maimone, LICSW is Director of Clinical & Family Support Services. Lois Josimovich, is the Director of Development & Communications,