Pernet Family Health Service

""Contact Information

237 Millbury Street
Worcester, MA 01610

Phone: 508-755-1228 (voice)    508-799-5795 (TTY)

View the Pernet Family Health Service website

Information Specialist: Chris Nelson – ​​​Director of Family Support Services

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM

Additional Locations: None.

Organization Narrative

Pernet Family Health Service is a neighborhood-based home health & social service agency serving poor families in the Worcester area. Pernet’s home-based nursing services and parent education provide long-term strengthening and enhancement of family life.

Population(s) Served

Mothers, fathers, infants & families in the Worcester area


Arabic, French, Polish, Spanish,


  • Early Intervention
  • Skilled nursing / maternal child health care
  • Family support services (young parent support, Worcester Healthy Start Initiative, Homemaker Services)
  • Emergency assistance (diapers, formulas – open Mon – Wed, 1 – 4PM)
  • Family and Community Development
  • Father & Families Program


Varies by program. Please call for additional information.


No information.

Other Information: