Springwell (ASAP)

""Contact Information

307 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 205
Waltham, MA 02452

Phone: 617-926-4100 x 502 (voice) 617-923-1562 (TTY)

View the Springwell website

Information & Referral Specialists
E-mail: inforef@springwell.com

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM

Additional Locations: None.

Organization Narrative

Springwell (ASAP) is a private, nonprofit agency. Provides coordinated home-care and community services to seniors, their families and caregivers. Offers free, private pay and state subsidized services. Has contract with the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Handles Protective Services investigations.

Population(s) Served

Seniors, their families & caregivers in Belmont, Brookline, Needham, Newton, Waltham, Watertown, Wellesley & Weston. Protective Services provided to an additional 9 towns: Ashland, Dover, Framingham, Hollister, Hopkinton, Natick, Sherborn, Sudbury & Wayland




  • Part of the MetroBoston Aging & Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC)
  • Information & Referral Care Advice (planning & referrals to services)
  • Options Counseling (free info & support)
  • Caregiver Support & Education (free meetings and short term support for family caregivers)
  • In-Home Supportive Services (contracts with over 40 vendors to help elders remain in own home)
  • Protective Services (investigates allegations of physical-, sexual- & emotional abuse of people aged 60 & over)
  • Housing (contracts with state-, federal- and private housing authorities & owners to provide service coordination & supportive services to all residents)
  • Nutrition (free home delivered meals to people aged 60 and over in Belmont, Brookline, Newton, Watertown, Wellesley & Weston.  Those who do not meet eligibility requirements may privately pay for home delivered meals)
  • Volunteer Services (rides to medical appointments, friendly visits for the homebound, grocery shopping assistance, bill paying assistance and nursing home advocates)
  • MassHealth Programs include PCA, GAFC and AFC.
  • Money Management Program:  available for 60+ and for disabled adults under 60.  Offers both bill paying assistance and rep payee program.
  • Community Grants (provides grants to community agencies)


Services for those age 60 and over and those under 60 with Alzheimers. MassHealth programs: PCA, GAFC & AFC for disabled adults on MassHealth, family caregivers of elders.


Fees vary by program. Home care service copays are based on income.

Other Information: Info Specialists