Genaux, Catherine

Record last updated 2025/03/04 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Genaux, Catherine
Phone: 907-388-9135

20 Danforth Court Haverhill, MA 01832
Area Served: Northeast

Map Location Genaux, Catherine


My SLP expertise includes:

  • Cognitive communication rehabilitation therapy for individuals who have experienced brain injuries related to trauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative disease processes. I hold certification from the Brain Injury Association of America as a “Certified Brain Injury Specialist”.

  • Voice and swallowing therapy related to a wide variety of needs. I have a music background and am particularly interested in voice as well as the anatomy and physiology that support both voice and swallowing. I am a SPEAK OUT!® Provider (Parkinson’s Voice Project).

  • Fluency therapy. In addition to implementing therapy training in using techniques to “Stutter more fluently”, I am also a SpeechEasy fluency aid provider.

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication - AAC. I have seen the remarkable benefits AAC can provide for individuals who are unable to communicate efficiently using speech or writing. I received valuable AAC training from Bruce Baker and his incredible team with the Pittsburgh AAC Language Seminar Series.


  • Speech (Speech Therapy)

Ages Served

  • 19 - 22
  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Accessibility Features

  • Services at Home

Additional Information

  • Fees: MassHealth, Medicare, Private Insurance, Personal Funds