Adult Family Care and Shared Living

Record last updated 2022/09/14 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Northeast Arc
Contact: Ashley Cook, Program Director
Email Address:
Phone: 978-624-2313 xFamily Support
Alternate Phone: 978-762-4878 xMain

6 Southside Road Danvers, MA 01923
Area Served: Northeast

Map Location Adult Family Care and Shared Living


For adults with medical, physical, or developmental disabilities, remaining at home is an important way to maintain independence and quality of life. Many times, family or friends provide the care that makes this possible. Northeast Arc’s Adult Family Care (AFC) program provides support—in the form of compensation and training—that enables these caregivers to provide valuable support to loved ones and friends in their home.

Service Types

  • Adult Foster Care / Group Adult Foster Care (Adult Foster Care)
  • Case Management
  • Socialization Activities

Program Type

  • Adult Foster Care
  • Aging
  • Case Management
  • Housing
  • Respite

Populations Served

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Elderly Person with disabilities
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mental Illness
  • Physical Disabilities

Ages Served

  • 14 - 18
  • 19 - 22
  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Additional Information

  • Accredited By: MassHealth
  • Fees: MassHealth
  • Licensed By: MassHealth