Adult Family Care /Shared Living

Record last updated 2022/09/12 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Berkshire Family & Individual Resources (BFAIR)
Contact: Jasmine Rivera-Boucher , Director AFC/Shared Living
Email Address:
Phone: 413-664-9382 x131
Fax: 413-664-6293

771 South Church Street North Adams, MA 01247
Area Served: West

Map Location Adult Family Care /Shared Living


BFAIR is a accredited Adult Family Care / Share Living (AFC/SL) Provider. The AFC/SL program is designed for any person who is 16 years of age or older, who is eligible for Mass Health with a physical or mental disability or medical condition. BFAIR’s Adult Family Care Services are designed for individuals who will benefit from supervision or physical assistance with daily living activities in order to live a meaningful life in a qualified home setting with a qualified AFC/SL Caregiver. BFAIR provides and trains AFC/SL Caregivers to deliver care in a qualified home setting. A BFAIR Registered Nurse visits the home regularly and monitors health needs and develops a plan of care. A BFAIR Case Manager provides case management through regular visits to ensure quality of care and support. AFC/SL caregivers receive a monthly, tax-exempt stipend as well as respite care if needed.

Service Types

  • Case Management
  • Nursing

Program Type

  • Adult Foster Care

Populations Served

  • All Disabilities

Ages Served

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

Accessibility Features

  • Able to serve clients in their wheelchair
  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible Restrooms

Additional Information

  • Accredited By: QUEST and CARF
  • Fees: MassHealth, Personal Funds