Agency with Choice

Record last updated 2024/07/17 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Multicultural Community Services of the Pioneer Valley
Contact: Lisa Podworski, Program Director
Email Address:
Phone: 413-782-2500 x314
Fax: 413-796-1955

1000 Wilbraham Road Springfield, MA 01109
Area Served: West

Map Location Agency with Choice


Families can choose the supports they want, when they need them and have access to an MCS Case Manager.

The purpose of Alternative Day Supports is to provide individuals and families the flexibility to design a weekly program of supports that is important to them.

You receive Case Management assistance to help create a weekly schedule that includes activities of your own choosing such as:

  • Volunteering
  • Starting your own business
  • Job exploration
  • Personal Expression – writing, visual arts, music
  • Physical Fitness – exercise classes, personal instruction (swimming, horseback riding etc.)
  • Educational – sign language, communication technology, certificate program (first aid)
  • Take a class in the community
  • Pet care

Other choices include: 

  • Cultural, social/recreational activities, hobbies
  • Personal safety
  • Community skills (banking, understanding money, shopping)
  • Using public transportation

Service Types

  • Case Management
  • Day Activity
  • Skills Training
  • Socialization Activities

Program Type

  • Day/Work Activity
  • Information/Referral

Populations Served

  • Developmental Disability
  • Intellectual Disabilities

Ages Served

  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Accessibility Features

  • Able to serve clients in their wheelchair

Additional Information

  • Fees: Free Service, Personal Funds
  • Licensed By: DDS