Information and Support

Record last updated 2024/04/30 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Chromosome 9p Minus Network
Information and Support
Email Address:

PO BOX 15484 Baton Rouge, LA 12486
Area Served: Out of State

Map Location Information and Support


This nonprofit organization links families to resources and hosts an annual event for Monosomy 9P, otherwise known as Alfi's Syndrome or 9P-, a rare chromosome anomaly.

Service Types

  • Family Support

Program Type

  • Advocacy
  • Support Groups

Populations Served

  • Chromosome Disorders
  • Developmental Disability
  • Intellectual Disabilities

Ages Served

  • Birth to 3
  • 3 - 4
  • 5 - 8
  • 9 - 13
  • 14 - 18
  • 19 - 22
  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Additional Information

  • Fees: Free Service