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Contact Information
RFK Community AllianceContact: Linda M. Alger, Program Director
Email Address:
Phone: 978-368-6470
View Community-Based Day Services Website
200 High Street Clinton, MA 01510
Area Served: Central
Map Location Community-Based Day Services
This program offers a combination of life skills training in housekeeping, meal preparation and assembly of arts and crafts projects.
Periods for recreation and exercise are included in the daily schedule. People can use the campus pool, the gym, take walks and attend music class. Some people are able to pursue paid work options. This combined approach of socialization, basic work/life skills development and recreation has been very successful. Residents and clients cannot always maintain attention for long periods of time. They may need to strengthen their physical stamina and social skills. We maintain a 1:4 staff to client ratio, enabling us to address each person’s needs.
Service Types
- Day Activity
- Job Training
- Skills Training
Program Type
- Day/Work Activity
Populations Served
- Developmental Disability
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Mental Illness
Ages Served
- 19 - 22
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Languages Spoken
- American Sign Language
- Spanish
Accessibility Features
- Able to serve clients in their wheelchair
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Restrooms
Additional Information
- Accredited By: JCAHO and DDS
- Fees: Free Service, Personal Funds
- Licensed By: DDS