Council on Aging Transportation Services

Record last updated 2022/12/16 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

City of Easthampton
Contact: Cynthia Tarail, Director
Email Address:
Phone: 413-527-6151
Alternate Phone: 413-529-1475

19 Union Street Easthampton, MA 01027-1404
Area Served: West

Map Location Council on Aging Transportation Services


Monday - Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm. Must be at least 55 years old. Must be a resident of Easthampton. 48 hour advanced notice. Lift-equipped service. Offers travel club, outreach program and companion program. Fitness Center - 55+.

  • Transportation door-to-door for medical appointments and errands. Round-trip fees for van service - local: $2-4, Northampton/Hatfield/Holyoke $5.00. Free limited volunteer-driven rides too! Point of sale for PVTA senior ride tickets.

Out-of-town residents will be placed on a waiting list and notified at least 48 hours prior to the trip if space is available. An additional out-of-town fee of $2.00 - $5.00 will be added to the cost of the trip.
The fee amount will be based on the destination/location of the trip.

Service Types

  • Door to Door-Lift
  • Door to Door-Nonlift
  • Fixed Route-Lift
  • Fixed Route-Nonlift

Program Type

  • Aging
  • Transportation

Populations Served

  • All Disabilities

Ages Served

  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Accessibility Features

  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible Restrooms
  • Elevators
  • Wheelchair Ramps

Additional Information

  • Fees: Personal Funds