Employment Support Services

Record last updated 2020/05/01 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Goodwill Industries of the Pioneer Valley
Contact: Chelsie Bergstrom, Director of Employment Specialist Services
Email Address: CBergstrom@ourgoodwill.org
Phone: 413-788-6981 x226
Fax: 413-304-2715

475 Sumner Avenue Springfield, MA 01108-2321
Area Served: West

Map Location Employment Support Services


Archived 5/1/2020 - duplicate program 

We provide long-term employment supports to individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.  This program offers individuals paid employment in supportive environments.  Individuals can choose from a variety of work opportunities that are available within the Work Center located at 570 Cottage Street in Springfield as well as at community-based group and individual supported employment sites.  Individuals are encouraged to develop and refine work skills, learn and demonstrate positive work behaviors and move to more independent settings.

Wheelchair Ramps, Accessible Parking, Accessible Restrooms, Near Public Transportation, Services at Work Goodwill Industries of the Pioneer Valley 14 - 18, 19 – 22, 23 – 59, 60 + Springfield Chelsie Bergstrom CBergstrom@ourgoodwill.org 413-304-2715 413-788-6981 11472 Employment Support Services Jobs, Vocational 6) West Job Placement, Job Skills, Job Training 475 Sumner Avenue Director of Employment Specialist Services https://www.goodwillpioneervalley.org/services.html 01108-2321 Free Service All Disabilities Local Area Director of Employment Specialist Services Spanish SPRINGFIELD, AGAWAM, WEST SPRINGFIELD, LUDLOW, CHICOPEE, WESTFIELD

Service Types

  • Job Placement
  • Job Skills
  • Job Training

Program Type

  • Jobs
  • Vocational

Populations Served

  • All Disabilities

Ages Served

  • 14 - 18
  • 19 - 22
  • 23 – 59
  • 60 +

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

Accessibility Features

  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible Restrooms
  • Near Public Transportation
  • Services at Work
  • Wheelchair Ramps

Additional Information

  • Fees: Free Service
  • Licensed By: DDS