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Wraparound Family ServicesContact: Kathy Cullen, Director of Client Services
Email Address:
Phone: 781-643-5932
View Enhanced Family Support for Adults - SSQUAL-10 Website
29 Academy Street Arlington, MA 02476
Area Served: Greater Boston
Map Location Enhanced Family Support for Adults - SSQUAL-10
Enhanced family support (SSQUAL-10) is a program within the Dept of Developmental Services for families of children with significant developmental disabilities (DD) who are living at home.
These families receive ‘enhanced’ family support allocations for in home services provided by a DDS approved agency, such as WFS. Families first choose a provider agency to manage their SSQUAL funding. They then work with their provider agency to determine an annual budget of supports within the DDS guidelines.
The program allows for a variety of individualized supports, including in home staffing, respite, and flexible reimbursements up to $3,000. It should be noted that families with AFC (Adult Foster/Family Care) funding cannot currently access respite or flexible funding stipends through SSQUAL. The hourly rate for each service through the SSQUAL program is set by DDS. Funding is considered to be “all-inclusive” of agency administrative fees. In addition, all staff paid through the SSQUAL program must be employees of the provider agency.
The SSQUAL program works well for families who have previously been served through the DESE DDS project. Currently, all our families served through the SSQUAL program were former DESE DDS participants who have aged out at 22.
Service Types
- Case Management
- Family Support
- Skills Training
Program Type
- Support Groups
Populations Served
- Developmental Disability
- Intellectual Disabilities
Ages Served
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Accessibility Features
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Restrooms
Additional Information
- Fees: Free Service, Personal Funds
- Licensed By: DDS