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Contact Information
May InstituteContact: Andrea Potoczny-Gray, M, Executive Director
Email Address:
Phone: 508-588-8800
Alternate Phone: 800-778-7601
View School for Brain Injury and Neurobehavioral Disorders Website
41 Pacella Park Drive Randolph, MA 02368-4210
Area Served: Southeast
Map Location School for Brain Injury and Neurobehavioral Disorders
May Center School for Brain Injury and Neurobehavioral Disorders is a day school and residential program that provides education for students who have recently left rehabilitation centers and hospitals, as well as for students with long-term needs. Educational services (5-22). Year round extended day school program, Community Re-entry programs, Vocational training, and support. Parent education and support School-based consultation
Service Types
- Cooperative Apartments
- In-program Transportation
- Schools - Day
- Skills Training
- Socialization Activities
Program Type
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Case Management
- Counseling
- Education
- Medical
- Mental Health
- Support Groups
- Vocational
Populations Served
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Autism Spectrum
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chiari Malformation
- Chromosome Disorders
- Costello Syndrome
- Developmental Disability
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Hydrocephalus
- Learning Disabilities
- Microcephaly
- Mitochondrial Disease
- Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders
- Physical Disabilities
- Sotos Syndrome
- Stroke
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Visual Impairment
Ages Served
- 5 - 8
- 9 - 13
- 14 - 18
- 19 - 22
Languages Spoken
- Spanish
Accessibility Features
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Restrooms
- Elevators
- Medical Needs
- Wheelchair Ramps
Additional Information
- Fees: Free Service, Personal Funds
- Licensed By: DESE, DEEC