Safe Kids

Record last updated 2021/10/28 Comment on this info .Update this info

Contact Information

Safe Kids Worldwide
Contact: Shane Simenstad, Public Policy Associate
Email Address:
Phone: 202-662-0600
Fax: 202-393-2072

1301 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004
Area Served: Out of State

Map Location Safe Kids


Safe Kids implements evidence-based programs such as car-seat checkups, safety workshops and sports clinics, to help prevent childhood injuries.

Service Types

  • Family Support

Program Type

  • Information/Referral

Populations Served

  • All Disabilities

Ages Served

  • Birth to 3
  • 3 - 4
  • 5 - 8
  • 9 - 13
  • 14 - 18

Additional Information

  • Fees: Free Service