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Contact Information
Cape AbilitiesContact: Antonia Sacco, Shared Living Manager
Email Address:
Phone: 508-778-5040
View Shared Living Website
895 Mary Dunn Road Hyannis, MA 02601
Area Served: Southeast
Map Location Shared Living
An important alternative to group homes, the Shared Living program matches adults with disabilities with families or people (providers) who want to share their home.
Providers support people with disabilities (PwD) with transportation, community involvement. They help with other activities of daily living like personal care, cooking and money management.
This living arrangement provides structure for development, growth and change, and also leads to lifelong friendships. People who open their homes often develop new ideas about what makes a family. They find sharing their home incredibly gratifying.
Service Types
- Case Management
- Skills Training
- Socialization Activities
Program Type
- Adult Foster Care
- Housing
Populations Served
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Aphasia
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Autism Spectrum
- Blind
- Cerebral Palsy
- DeafBlind
- Developmental Delay Birth to 3
- Developmental Disability
- Elderly Person with disabilities
- Hard of Hearing
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Language Impairment
- Learning Disabilities
- Mental Illness
- Multiple Disability
- Nonverbal Communication
- Physical Disabilities
- Tourette Syndrome
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Visual Impairment
Ages Served
- 19 - 22
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Accessibility Features
- Services at Home
Additional Information
- Accredited By: CARF
- Fees: Free Service, Personal Funds
- Licensed By: DDS