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Contact Information
Barry L. Price Rehabilitation CenterContact: Jaclyn O'Brien, Vice President of Programs
Email Address:
Phone: 617-244-0065
View Supported Employment Services Website
27 Christina Street Newton, MA 02461
Area Served: Greater Boston
Map Location Supported Employment Services
Provides part or full time work in the community &/or at the Center. Clients oriented to demands & expectation in a supportive work environment, receive training in work quality/quantity and other areas identified by their ISP. Special equipment identified as needed. Also serve deaf/blind & physical needs.
Our job developer connects individuals with employers in the community. When a job is identified that matches the skills, interests, and abilities of our individuals, staff start to prepare them for an interview. Once they begin a job, their job coach maintains contact with the employer for a year or longer and provides support in the workplace, if needed. This is an ongoing process and our coaches are always available to provide more training or support to help the individual be successful. In the process, individuals make new friends, gain confidence, and earn a steady income. Not only are family members proud, but the employers gain loyal, dedicated workers.
Service Types
- Job Placement
- Job Support
- Job Training
- Socialization Activities
Program Type
- Vocational
Populations Served
- Developmental Disability
- Intellectual Disabilities
Ages Served
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Accessibility Features
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Restrooms
- Near Public Transportation
- Services at Work
- Wheelchair Ramps
Additional Information
- Accredited By: QUEST/CARF
- Fees: Free Service
- Licensed By: DDS,Department of Labor