Record last updated 2025/02/12 Comment on this info .Update this info
Contact Information
The TMJ Association, Ltd.Contact: Deanne Clare, Association Administrator
Email Address:
Phone: 262-432-0350
View TMJ Patient-Led RoundTable Website
P.O. Box 26770 Milwaukee, WI 53226
Area Served: Out of State
Map Location TMJ Patient-Led RoundTable
The TMJ Patient-led RoundTable (RT) was developed to understand why some TMJ patients improve with implant surgery, while others worsen. Since, it has evolved into a comprehensive initiative to understand all aspects of TMJ disorders. This including risk factors, disease mechanisms, clinical treatment practices – and how these interact to affect patient outcomes for all treatments. The goal is to establish a scientifically valid roadmap that can reliably predict treatment outcomes for individual patients. The RT is the first patient-led project of the Medical Device Epidemiology Network (MDEpiNet), a public-private partnership developed to bring real world data and patient experiences together with a broad array of experts to conduct studies aimed at improving outcomes for implant patients worldwide.
Service Types
- Disability Awareness
Program Type
- Advocacy
- Support Groups
Populations Served
- Joint Disorder
- Physical Disabilities
Ages Served
- Birth to 3
- 3 - 4
- 5 - 8
- 9 - 13
- 14 - 18
- 19 - 22
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Additional Information
- Fees: Free Service